Blended learning is a combination of autonomous online learning AND face-to-face classes. The two elements complement each other and accelerate the student’s learning development. In English, blended learning is also known as mixed learning or, to be very cool, b-learning.
Blended Learning is an excellent solution for language learning… but it is not suitable for everyone. There are courses of this type on the market for all levels, from elementary to advanced, but at Watch and Talk Method we only recommend this type of course for basic and intermediate levels (A1 to B1) because we recommend a more communicative approach, based on speaking and listening, for higher levels (B1 to C2).
However, choosing the type of learning that best suits you depends on many factors, such as availability, personal and professional circumstances etc, so before recommending one type of course or another we carry out a detailed assessment of your needs.
From a learner’s point of view, we like to explain this with a very clear sports analogy: language learning is like getting in shape – when you are out of shape you need a lot of commitment and frequent training in order to start to make progress. In other words, the more classic ‘one lesson per week‘ is simply not enough for low level learners and doesn’t see results.
Blended learning courses allow students to study on our online platform and manage their time, depending on lifestyle and schedule, at home, on the way to work or wherever it is most convenient for them on a mobile phone, or personal computer…
…And the weekly face-to-face sessions with a teacher allow students to put their acquired knowledge into practice and benefit from their teacher’s experience to make their development as effective as possible.
From our clients’ point of view, blended learning provides training for their employees with the freedom of where and when to study, and allows them to work on their specific needs to apply the learning to the job. It is also a very cost-effective solution, as the online learning platform gives access to hundreds of hours of high-quality learning material that complements and enhances the student’s time with the teacher.
Blended learning is something that needs to be handled with care. As a teacher and now founder of this language school, I have been working with this type of learning for almost 20 years (back when the software came in a series of CDs – how things have changed, fortunately! 😉
Over all these years, I have seen hundreds of students follow blended learning courses and I have seen them do amazingly well (arguably even better than those following conventional courses!) but I have also seen (comparatively) higher drop-out rates when students are overwhelmed by the ‘study load’ or even lost their motivation altogether. This is one of the main reasons why I keep saying that it is so important to get a deep understanding of each client and the needs of the students, in order to tailor a solution to best suit each of them and achieve the desired results.
I also like to think that I have the “antidote” to the high drop-out rate. To return to my sports analogy, if you really want your employees to improve and become language athletes, giving them a pass to the gym that they may, or may not, use is not enough – they also need a personal trainer to guide them. That’s why I put so much emphasis on the coaching role of our teachers who help:
Keep students motivated – so that they can continue to learn at the desired pace.
Identify and help solve any problems – in order to help them progress.
Build group synergy – for students to help each other and create a strong bond.
The best way to find out if choosing Blended Learning is the right decision for your company is to talk to us. Contact us now for a free consultation.